*This Frequently Asked Questions section is for the PACT undergraduate students attending the summer session.
The stipend will be paid out twice: once in June and once in July.
The University of Arizona requires “Verifiable Lawful Presence” documentation. Acceptable forms can be found at:
Interns will stay in the dormitories. Dorm rooms will have two occupants.
The dorm room contains a bed and mattress; students provide bedding.
NTU and UA are examining ways they may be able to provide transportation. We will know more when we have the final count of applicants to the programs.
A visitor is charged $16/day to park on campus.
The University is not requiring that students get vaccinated. However, the University strongly encourages vaccination to protect yourself and the community.
Sunday June 5th, noon to 3pm is when new interns should check in at their dorms.
Interns should check out of their dorm rooms no later than noon Saturday July 30th.
No, but a basic understanding of how programs work will be helpful. This summer program can be an opportunity for a student to become more adept at programming.
No curfew – a keycard is used to enter the dorm building.
Roommates are the same gender. Adjacent rooms may be of different genders.